Sumas Newsletter Issue 2 - 2025 March/April
The pdf file of the newsletter can be accessed here: Issue 2 – 2025 March/April Newsletter
We are now accepting applications for the position of Police Officer. Details and Application are available on the Employment Page.
Call for Public Comment
Draft Public Action Plan:
Public Comment Fillable Form:
Sumas Newsletter Issue 1 - 2025 January/February
The pdf file of the newsletter can be accessed here: Issue 1 – 2025 January/February Newsletter
Final Environment Impact Statement for Sumas and Lynden Border Expansion Projects
GSA 2024 Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision
The full Environmental Impact Statement, along with all appendices, can be found at this link.
Sumas 2024 Community Survey Results
The three documents below summarized the survey results. The first link is to a PowerPoint presentation which uses pie charts to show how people answered each question. Question 12 and Question 14 were written answer, so people were allowed to write in whatever they wanted. Each of the 2 Written Answers documents below show the individual responses that people wrote in for these questions.
Voyent Alert! Notification Service
Request for Qualifications - January 2, 2025
Please see the RFQ Packet provided below for more information on the project and how to apply:
Request for Qualifications - January 2, 2025
Please see the RFQ Packet provided below for more information on the project and how to apply:
Request for Qualifications - January 2, 2025
Please see the RFQ Packet provided below for more information on the project and how to apply:
Sumas Newsletter Issue 6 - 2024
The pdf file of the newsletter can be accessed here: Issue 6 – 2024 Newsletter
Sumas Newsletter Issue 5 - 2024
To view the full Newsletter, click here Issue 5 – 2024.
Draft Environment Impact Statement for Sumas and Lynden Border Expansion Projects
The GSA has also announced that the next open house public meeting will be held at the American Legion Hall at 134 Harrison St, Sumas on Wednesday, September 4 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to present the findings of the Draft EIS to the public and to solicit feedback.
Sumas Flood Awareness Week - Friday - Useful Maps - Sandbagging Machine Location, Evacuation Routes, Emergency Shelter Locations
Welcome to the final day of Sumas Flood Awareness Week! Thank you to those of you who have been following along. We hope that the information provided this week has proved helpful to residents looking to prepare for a flood event at any time.
For Friday of Flood Awareness Week, the City wanted to provide some maps that will be useful to know for the next flood event. The maps are, location and lineup route of the Sandbagging Machine, Emergency Evacuation Routes, and Emergency Shelter Locations.
Please keep in mind that all of this information may change in a flood event as conditions change with every event. The best way to keep informed with the latest communications from the City is to sign up for Voyent Alert!, the City’s emergency alert system. If you have not signed up for Voyent Alert!, you can do so at the following link:!/registration. Having the Voyent Alert! app downloaded on your phone allows you to get the best information about road closures, which shelters are open, and (the most important) whether to evacuate.
Sumas Flood Awareness Week - Thursday - Pet Safety and Preparedness
For Thursday of Sumas Flood Awareness Week, the City of Sumas wants to make sure that all members of the family are kept safe during a flood, even the furry ones! Today, the City has cultivated a selection of articles from reputable sources with information on how to keep your pets safe during a flood event.
American Kennel Club – How to Keep Your Dog Safe in a Flood –
American Red Cross – Pet Disaster Preparedness –
Wag! – How to Keep you Pets Safe in a Flood –
Sumas Flood Awareness Week - Wednesday - Ready, Set, Go!
For Wednesday of Flood Awareness Week, the City of Sumas wants to remind residents of the emergency preparedness procedures that are already in place. The system, called Ready, Set, Go!, is a three-stage procedure as the City monitors a potential flood event.
All Sumas residents should be receiving a physical brochure on the Ready, Set, Go! system in their mail sometime next week. We also wanted to post the brochure here as part of Flood Awareness Week, so that as many residents as possible are fully prepared for when these alerts are given.
Please review the Ready, Set, Go! brochure provided below to prepare you and your family on the City’s emergency alert procedure.
Sumas Flood Awareness Week - Tuesday - Shelter In Place Essentials
For Tuesday of Sumas’ Flood Awareness Week, the City wanted to touch on items that could be prepared in the event that our residents decide to shelter in place during a flood. Of course, when an evacuation order is given by the City, we hope that everyone will heed that order. However, we understand if residents prefer to stay in their homes and wait out the storm.
Below is a FEMA produced list of items that residents should consider including in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit in the event that they do decide to shelter in place.
Sumas Flood Awareness Week October 14-18, 2024!
Next week, the City of Sumas will be putting on Flood Awareness Week. Throughout the week, the City will be releasing several helpful publications promoting flood preparedness and safety as we enter Fall and Winter. Below is a timeline of what to expect from the City each day next week:
Monday – Summary of flood hazard and timeline of events
Tuesday – Shelter In Place Essentials
Wednesday – Ready, Set, Go!
Thursday – Pet Safety and Preparedness
Friday – Useful Maps – Sandbagging Machine Location, Evacuation Routes, Emergency Locations
Always remember to keep notifications on for Voyent Alert!, the City’s emergency alert system. If you have not signed up for Voyent Alert!, you can register at the following link:!/registration or you can click on the Voyent Alert! announcement at the bottom of the this page.
Just a reminder from the Newsletter – the Splash Park will be closing today, October 1st, for the season. We hope you had a great Summer!
Sumas Municipal Code Prohibits Solicitors Unless Permitted
Sumas Newsletter Issue 4 - 2024
To view the full Newsletter, click here Issue 4 – 2024.
NOTICE: Possible Bear Sighting
There has been a possible bear sighting on the Sumas Trail off of West Third Street. Please use caution when walking in the area or on the trail. If you see a bear, please call 911 to report it immediately.
Linked here is some helpful information on Black bears from the Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife: Black bear | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Clean Energy Credits for Washington Families
Sumas Water Quality 2023 Consumer Confidence Report
Washington State Department of Health requires community water systems to provide their customers with a report each year about the quality of water they serve. Linked below is the Sumas Water Quality 2023 Consumer Confidence Report.
Sumas Newsletter Issue 3 - 2024
Sumas has the best-tasting water in Washington!
The City of Sumas won the annual tasting competition at the Evergreen Rural Water of Washington conference in August of 2023. This win allowed our City to compete at the 25th annual Great American Water Taste Test competition in Washington, DC this past week!
While we didn’t place in the top 5 in Washington, DC, it was an exciting event where the City of Sumas represented Washington State!
Thank you to our Sumas Public Works Department for the great management of our water system.
Sumas Newsletter Issue 2 - 2024
To view the full Newsletter, click here Issue 2 – 2024.
Summer 2024 Splashpad Update
The Sumas Public Works department is diligently working to get the splashpad in the park open prior to Memorial Day weekend. They will be doing some routine maintenance in the area, so please avoid the splashpad until officially opened. We will post an update as soon as it’s ready. Thank you!
The Sumas Comprehensive Plan Community Survey is NOW LIVE!
Use the QR code or click the link below to access the Community Survey! The survey will be live until 5:00 pm on May 31, 2024.
Sumas Newsletter Issue 1 - 2024
To view the full Newsletter, click here Issue 1 – 2024.
Notice of Consolidated Application and Public Hearing 03/25/2024
Notice of Request for Qualifications - 2/28/2024
November/December 2023 Newsletter
To view the full Newsletter, click here November/December Newsletter 2023.
*Corrected first page posted 11/15/2023
2024 Final Budget Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Sumas City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 7:00pm in council chambers located at 433 Cherry Street, for the 2024 Final Budget. All interested parties wishing to comment may appear in person at that time. Written comments will be accepted until 4:00pm, Monday, November 27th.
Notice: West Front St. Closure
West Front St. at the second train track crossing, West of Cherry St., will be closed at 8:30 AM on 11/07/2023, for approximately 2 hours, for resurfacing of pavement.
Rezone Application Public Hearing Nov. 13
The Sumas City Council will be holding another public hearing at City Hall on Monday, November 13 at 7:00pm regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Site Specific Rezone application submitted by Jason Heutink and Brad Heppner. Prior to last meeting, the application was to rezone the property from Business – General to Mini-Warehouse. At the last meeting, Mr. Heutink requested and City Council voted to amend the application to rezone from Business – General to Residential – High Density. See the notice below for more details:
Border Expansion Meeting Nov. 6
The General Services Administration (GSA) will be hosting another meeting regarding the Sumas border crossing expansion project on Nov. 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at American Legion Post 212 in Sumas. This will be a fully in-person meeting where they will provide more information to local residents about the project. See the press release below for more details:
GSA Press Release 30OCT2023 Sumas and Lynden Nov 6 2023 Community Meeting
Click to read the Full Resolution No 834
Flood Update 12/5/23 1:00 PM
Flood levels are finally looking to level off following heavy rain last night and early this morning.
The flood gauge located at the Cedarville crossing has reached minor flood stage, however the North, Middle, and South Fork gauges have all begun to decline. This should begin to be reflected in the Cedarville levels shortly. Everson may experience minor flooding and some water is expected to overflow near Emerson Road, but the impact is expected to be very minimal.
The City will continue to monitor the river levels very closely, but for now the worst seems to have passed.
Flood Watch 12/2 - 12/6
The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Watch warning for Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties from the evening of Saturday, December 2nd through the late evening of Wednesday, December 6th. This warning has been issued due to a forecast of excessive rainfall in the coming week which is projected to drop 3 to 7 inches of rain in the lowlands and 10 to 12 inches of rain in the mountain regions.
Please keep in mind that this is a blanket warning issued by the National Weather Service for the entirety of Western Washington.
That being said, we are monitoring the conditions closely and will keep you all informed as things develop.
2024 Preliminary Budget Hearing & 2024 Property Tax Levy Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Sumas City Council will hold public hearings on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00pm in council chambers located at 433 Cherry Street, for the 2024 Preliminary Budget including sources of revenue, and the 2024 Property Tax Levy. All interested parties wishing to comment may appear in person at that time. Written comments will be accepted until 4:00pm, Monday, November 13th.
September/October 2023 Newsletter
To view the full Newsletter, click here September/October Newsletter 2023.
Notice: Flood Siren Testing
The City will be testing the Flood siren Friday, November 3rd, at 10am. The siren will be a test only, no action needs to be taken.
Sumas Avenue Road Closure Update
October 6, 2023 Update: Due to unanticipated delays, the Sumas Ave. road closure will be extended another couple of weeks. Additional updates will be posted as they become available. Thank you for your patience.
Sumas Demolition Derby
Tickets for the Sumas Demo derby are on sale now! The derby is September 9th, starting at 3pm. The site to purchase tickets is linked below.
Sumas Demo Derby Tickets, Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 3:00 PM | Eventbrite
Sumas Avenue Closure Update
The Sumas Avenue road closure and construction is anticipated to wrap-up at the end of next week, around October 6th. Thank you all for your flexibility during this project.
*update posted September 26, 2023
Sumas Avenue Closure Starting 8/21
Construction will begin on Sumas Avenue between the intersection with Garfield St and the Johnson Creek Bridge starting Monday, August 21st, and will continue for approximately 30 days. This section of Sumas Avenue will remain closed for the entirety of the project. Construction activities include the replacement of the water and stormwater facilities located underneath the roadway, as well as the reconstruction of the roadway itself. Affected property owners will be contacted individually to discuss parking.
Please contact City Hall at (360) 988-5711 or come see us at 433 Cherry St with any questions regarding the road closure.
*A previous version of this announcement dated the closure to be starting on 8/24. The closure will begin 8/21. Sorry for any confusion.
Sumas Border Expansion Meeting Released!
The United States General Services Administration (GSA) has posted a press release to their website, announcing the date and time for the upcoming virtual public meeting to discuss alternatives for the Sumas Land Port of Entry (LPOE) expansion project.
The virtual meeting time is set for August 23rd at 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Registration for the virtual meeting can be found on the Sumas Project Website.
At the meeting, the GSA will be discussing their environmental report, their 4 alternatives for the project, as well as other aspects of the project.
Attached here is the official press release for the project which includes all the info that has been released to the public so far. More info will be released at the meeting.
New Pages Added to the Website!
Hello Everyone! I have not officially introduced myself to the whole city, although I have met some of you who have come into City Hall. My name is Carson Cortez and I have been hired on to the Sumas City Staff as a City Planner. I started this new position in March of this year, so am still very new!
As City Planner, I wear many hats. A Planner’s main job is to work with community members to determine what future vision a community has for itself. Once the future vision has been decided, the Planner’s job then transitions into facilitating the implementation of that vision via building permits, zoning, and other forms of development regulations. However, in a small town like Sumas, this isn’t my only job. I am also directly involved with assisting our Public Works Director in some of his more administrative duties, I am training towards becoming the City’s Floodplain Manager, I am involved in the City’s flood recovery and future mitigation projects, and any other tasks as needed!
My first priority is to the citizens of Sumas, so I plan on making sure that the City is well informed on all of the various projects that are happening around Sumas. To start, I have added two new pages to the website. Both pages can be found under the tab at the top of the site entitled Your Government.
The first page, “Local Projects” is completely dedicated to keeping the people up-to-date on complex development projects that are happening around town that have to go through any sort of Public Comment period in which the public can participate!
The second page “Planning Commission” is dedicated to the Sumas Planning Commission, a 5-person committee made up of volunteers who have been appointed by the Mayor. The Planning Commission was unfortunately on hiatus following the COVID lockdown and the major flood event in 2021, but is now back up and running! The Planning Commission discusses issues generally brought up by the City’s Planning Department and provides recommendations to either City Staff or to the City Council when required. Meetings are open to the public and, at the moment, are held on an as-needed basis.
Thank you guys for the warm welcome and I can’t wait to get started on more projects!
– Carson Cortez, City Planner
July/August 2023 Newsletter
To view the full Newsletter, click here July/August Newsletter 2023.
Community Calendars (a.k.a. Birthday Calendars)
Sumas publishes a Community Calendar each year. These calendars include the birthdays, military service, anniversaries, and “In Memory” dates of community members. If you would like to have any calendar items added, or removed, please let us know by July 31st, 2023. Once calendar items are added, they will be repeated each year until it’s requested that they be removed. Forms to submit information are available at City Hall or linked below. Or feel free to call City Hall directly at 360-988-5711. Advertising space is also available for a fee.
2023 Community Calendars are still available for $5 at City Hall.
Camp Trailer Registration Notice
The City of Sumas understands that there are many residents that are still repairing their homes and may be living in camp trailers on their properties. For many of you, this is a necessary short-term solution to your living situations. The City supports all residents who find it necessary to temporarily reside in a camp trailer, however we are requesting that all camp trailers be registered with the City, and also provide proof of intent to return to living in your home. All registrations must be received no later than June 1, 2023. Please see the registration form below for additional information, and to register.
If you need assistance to recover from the flood damages, please let us know!
City of Sumas along with the Sumas Water Improvement District is accepting Statements of Qualifications for engineering design and construction management of the FEMA disaster recovery projects. The City of Sumas on behalf of SWID will be providing project administration and oversight of this work. At this time we reserve the right to select more than one consultant for one or all phases of the projects. Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted to the Sumas City Hall, 433 Cherry Street, P.O. Box 9, Sumas, WA 98295 no later than 5:00 PM on July 17, 2023. RFQ packets will be available on our website (See packet links below). Minority, Women-owned and Veteran-owned firms are encouraged to apply and will be given equal considerations with all other firms submitting a Statement of Qualifications. For any questions, please call Public Works Director at 360-988-5711.
RFQ Packet:
Meet Me at the Movies
City of Sumas along with the Sumas Water Improvement District is accepting Statements of Qualifications for engineering design and construction management of the FEMA disaster recovery projects. The City of Sumas on behalf of SWID will be providing project administration and oversight of this work. At this time we reserve the right to select more than one consultant for one or all phases of the projects. Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted to the Sumas City Hall, 433 Cherry Street, P.O. Box 9, Sumas, WA 98295 no later than 5:00 PM on July 17, 2023. RFQ packets will be available on our website (See packet links below). Minority, Women-owned and Veteran-owned firms are encouraged to apply and will be given equal considerations with all other firms submitting a Statement of Qualifications. For any questions, please call Public Works Director at 360-988-5711.
RFQ Packet:
City of Sumas
FEMA Bundle Reference Nos.: PA-10-WA-4309-PW-00200(327)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received at the Sumas City Hall, 433 Cherry St. Sumas WA 98295 for the following:
Construction of the Sumas Avenue Project
Contractors shall submit their sealed bid proposals along with their primary sub-contractor rosters up until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, July 13, 2023.
At 3:00 p.m. the bids will be publicly opened and the names of the submitters identified. Any interested people are invited to be present. Late bids will not be accepted. City of Sumas is requesting bids for construction of the Sumas Avenue Project as further described in the bid documents.
Pre-bid meeting is scheduled at the project site at the Sumas Avenue and 3rd Street intersection. Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the project site.
All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond and payment bond both in an amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Sumas. All bidders and subcontractors shall have a contractor’s license to work in the State of Washington and a City of Sumas Business License.
Free-of-charge access to project bid documents (plans, specifications, addenda, and Bidders List) is provided to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to and clicking on “Posted Projects”, “Public Works”, and “City of Sumas”. This online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download, view, print, order full/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidders “Register” in order to receive automatic e-mail notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the “Self-Registered Bidders List”. Bidders that do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to periodically check the on-line plan room for addenda issued on this project. Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at (425) 258-1303 should you require assistance with access or registration.
No bidder may withdraw his bid after time set for opening thereof, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding 40 days.
City of Sumas reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities.
5/22/2023 - Notice of Application and Public Hearing
The City of Sumas hereby gives notice of a pending, consolidated application for a zoning conditional use permit, shoreline substantial development permit and zoning setback variance. The applicant is Baha Abulnaga, who proposes to expand an existing manufacturing facility located at 410 W. Third Street by constructing two new warehouses on an adjacent property located at 411 W Second Street. The project includes relocation of the existing foundry to the new location, a small reduction in the front yard setback from W. Second Street, the filling of an approximately 5,315 square foot Category IV wetland, and compensatory mitigation. The subject property is located at 411 W. Second Street within the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 34, Township 41 North, Range 04 East of W.M. within Sumas WA. The subject site is identified under the following County Assessor’s tax parcel number: 410434 403195.
The public comment period for this application is from May 10 through June 9, 2023. Written comments may be submitted during that period to Sumas City Hall at the address shown below.
The Sumas City Council will hold a public hearing regarding this application at Sumas City Hall on June 26, 2023 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Interested parties are invited to provide testimony at the public hearing. The complete application is available for review at Sumas City Hall during normal business hours.
Sumas City Hall
433 Cherry Street
PO Box 9
Sumas, WA 98295
March/April 2023 Newsletter
5/12/2023 - NOW HIRING - Clerical Assistant - PT
The City is currently accepting applications for the position of a part time Clerical Assistant. Please see the job description for full details. (Link to Clerical Assistant – PT Job Description).
Salary Range: $21.34-$25.94 (hourly) DOE
Work Schedule: This position works a 20-hour workweek (Monday-Friday), with some opportunity for more hours to cover vacations and/ or absences as needed. Must be flexible.
Submit your letter of interest, resume, and application to
First review will be May 26, 2023. Position will remain open until filled.
4/25/2023 - Notice of Public Hearing
The City of Sumas hereby gives notice that the Sumas City Council will hold a public hearing regarding proposed adoption of the Whatcom County Buildable Lands Report 2022, Whatcom County Review and Evaluation Program (issued July 7, 2022, revised February 27, 2023 and adopted by the Whatcom County Council on March 21, 2023) pursuant to RCW 36.70A.215. The hearing will be held at Sumas City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on May 8, 2023. Any party may submit written or oral comments at the hearing. The Report is available for review at Sumas City Hall during normal business hours. People with special needs who will be attending the hearing are asked to contact City Hall by May 5, 2023 to request special accommodations.
Sumas City Hall
433 Cherry St
PO Box 9
Sumas, WA 98295
(360) 988-5711
5/4/2023 - Now Hiring - Finance Director
The City is currently accepting applications for the position of Finance Director. Please see job description for details. (Link to Finance Director Job Description).
Benefits: Excellent benefits package includes:
- Paid Holidays, Vacation, Sick leave
- Medical/ Dental/ Vision coverage for full-family
- Retirement – WA State Dept of Retirement Systems
- Aflac – employer contribution towards premium
- Longevity Pay (beginning in 6th year)
- Other leave per State & Personnel Policies
Salary Range: $6,236.62 – $7,580.65 monthly
Submit your letter of interest, resume, and application to
First review will be May 22, 2023. Position will remain open until filled.
1/4/2023 - The Northwest Washington Disaster Grants Program is Now Open!
Businesses must meet the following criteria to qualify:
- Must have an active UBI
- Must have an active EIN/ITIN/SSN
- Must have a UEI (Learn more here.)
- Must be located in a qualified geographic region
- Annual gross receipts <$5,000,0000
- Demonstrated reduction in business income or activity
- Generate at least 51% of revenue in Washington State
- Must self-attest that claimed losses are not funded by any other government funding source or private entity
For more information (including Spanish, Russian, and Punjabi translations), technical assistance, and to apply visit this link.
1/6/2023 - Notice: Utility Rate Increase
The approved utility rate increase will take affect with your February bill (January usage). Use this link to view the updated rates (notification of utility rate increase).
Notice of City Council Meeting 2/23/23
The City of Sumas is calling for a council meeting, tomorrow, February 23, 2023 at 12pm. View the agenda here.
3/1/2023 - RFP - Sewer Line Repairs
**Addendum No. 1 issued 3/9/2023. Please review this announcement for any future addendums prior to submission.
City of Sumas is looking for repairs to 16 site damages related to sewer lines. Within the 16 sites there are multiple locations per site. Please find a full copy of the scope using the following link: bid packet. Please provide a unit price for each damage site which includes multiple locations. All estimates will be due to on March 27th by 4pm. For further questions you can reach the Public Works Director Sunny Aulakh at 360.201.5322.
12/9/2022 - City Planner
Monthly Salary Range (DOE) $4,990 – $6,065
If interested, please submit a completed application (application link), resume and cover letter to Jennifer Bell at or by mail at PO Box 9, Sumas, WA 98295.
Position will remain open until filled.
12/6/2022 - New Payment Portal is Live!
Click the payment tab above to
- View your utility bill online
- Create an account to save your utility account and payment information
- Sign-up for auto-pay
- Sign-up for paperless billing
You will now be able to choose from a wider range of payment options, including pay by phone and pay by text.
2/3/2023 - Notice of Public Hearing
The City of Sumas herby gives notice that the Sumas City Council will hold a public hearing regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 14.30 of the Sumas Municipal Code to revise the City’s Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to require new structures to be elevated at least two feet above the FEMA base flood elevation. The public hearing will be held at Sumas City Hall at 7:00 PM on Monday, February 13, 2023. Any Party may submit written comments prior to the hearing. Any party may submit written or oral testimony at the hearing. The draft amendments are available for review at Sumas City Hall during normal business hours (or see attachment). People with special needs who will be attending the hearing are asked to contact City Hall by February 10, 2023, to request special accommodations.
Sumas City Hall
433 Cherry Street
Sumas, WA 98295
(360) 988-5711
12/23/22 - Whatcom County Hosting Daily Briefings for Authorities to Monitor Approaching Weather Systems
As a precaution, the National Weather Service has stated there is a potential for urban and river flooding for all of western Washington. While there is no threat of flooding at this time, it is important to maintain a heightened state of awareness of these changing conditions through the end of the year
If conditions deteriorate to a level where action is required, additional messages will be distributed through a variety of sources including traditional and social media (Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page). The National Weather Service is also a good source to monitor for forecasts and conditions.
As of Wednesday, December 21st, local authorities are meeting daily and actively monitoring the weather systems and what they might mean for Whatcom County. Residents are asked to clear culverts and drains of any blockages. They are also asked to sign up for AlertSense and monitor the National Weather Service.
City of Sumas is accepting Statements of Qualifications from civil engineers for design, permitting, and survey to pre-disaster restoration of Sumas River. The City of Sumas is working along with Sumas Watershed Improvement District to remove flood sediment debris from this section. RFQ packets will be available on our website (RFQ packet link). RFQ’s shall be submitted to Michelle Quinn at, no later than 5:00pm on December 21, 2022. Minority, Women-owned and Veteran-owned firms are encouraged to aply and will be given equal considerations with all other firms submitting a Statement of Qualifications. For any questions, please call Sunny Aulakh, Public Works Director @ (360) 988-5711.
11/23/2022 - Floodplain Integrated Planning (FLIP) Progress Update November 2022
DRAFT FLIP Mission Statement
Develop a broadly-supported integrated floodplain management plan for the Nooksack River that will reduce risk to public safety, property, and infrastructure, and support healthy ecosystems and sustainable agriculture and fisheries that lead to viable communities now and into the future.
9/2/2022 - Taxpayer's Claim for Reduction of Assessments Resulting from Destroyed Real or Personal Property or Loss of Value in a Declared Disaster Area
If your home or property was damaged by the 2021 flood, you can apply for a reduction of assessment of property taxes.
11/28/22 - New Payment Portal Coming Dec 1st, 2022!
The City of Sumas is excited to announce that we will be going live with a new online payment portal on December 1st, 2022. The new portal will allow you to view your utility bills online and will include features such as auto-pay and paperless billing.
On November 3oth, starting at 3 PM, our online payment portal will be closed as we make the transition to the new platform. At 8 AM on December 1st, the new portal will be live!
10/7/2022 - Full Page Utility Bills
Keep your eye out for your newly formatted utility bill. You will no longer receive a postcard bill but will now be mailed a full-page invoice in a regularly sized envelope.
10/17/2022 - Whatcom Strong Community Card
The Whatcom Long Term Recovery Group, Whatcom Community Foundation, and Sustainable Connections have come together to launch the Whatcom Strong Community Card – a card that will benefit both residents and businesses who have been affected by the flooding in 2021.
Find more information using the link below.
10/17/2022 - NOW HIRING!
The City of Sumas is accepting application for three positions. Visit our Employment page for information on how to apply.
- Court/ Utility Clerk – Full-Time
- Permit Tech/ Project Mgmt Assistant – Full-Time – Temporary
- Clerical Assistant – Part-Time – Temporary
Upcoming Weather System
General Observation: The second atmospheric river of the season is forecasted to bring heavy rains to our region Friday. At this time, the river is expected to crest below flood stage at all forecast points, with the exception of the South Fork of the Nooksack at Saxon Bridge which may experience minor flooding. You can check the most current weather forecasts and projected Nooksack River levels on our website at
While the likelihood of flooding is low, all residents, particularly in low-lying areas that are subject to flooding, should be reviewing their flood preparation plans, be clear about exit routes, and prepare for the possibility of flooding.
Significant Issues:
- There are currently no issues anticipated with the incoming storm system.
Potential Impacts and Timing
- This second Atmospheric River of the season will impact the region Thursday evening through Saturday morning.
- The National Weather Service considers this a potentially “moderate” rainfall and wind event. Wind and rain will begin late Thursday, with the heaviest rains expected Friday and Saturday.
- The National Weather Service says the highest chance for flooding is along the Skokomish, Snoqualmie and Stillaguamish Rivers.
- Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement for the Fraser Valley including Chilliwack and Abbotsford, for heavy rain and strong winds, but have not issued any statements regarding flooding and has said this atmospheric river is expected to be similar in strength to the most recent event on Sunday, October 30.
- The heavy rain may lead to flooding in low-lying areas, underpasses, and areas with poor drainage (e.g. clogged storm drains). Ponding of water on roadways and poor visibility will lead to difficult travel conditions
- Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is anticipating high winds up to 50 mph from 5 p.m. this afternoon to 8 a.m. Friday. PSE is closely watching the weather forecast and are prepared to respond to potential power outages in our service area.
Whatcom County Actions
- Both Whatcom County Public Works River and Flood Division and the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office Division of Emergency Management are actively monitoring conditions throughout the Nooksack watershed and are prepared to take action(s) should conditions change.
9/27/2022 - Survey is still open!
Flood Awareness Day!
When: October 29, 2022 at 10 AM
Where: Nooksack Valley High School
What: Flood Preparation Information, Sandbag Machine Training, Pre-fill sandbags, Proper Sandbag Placement, Voyent Alert! Notification Service (City of Sumas & City of Everson)
Presented by: Whatcom County Fire District #14, City of Sumas, City of Everson, City of Everson, US Army Corps of Engineers, & Whatcom County Fire District #1
9/6/22 - Local Disaster Recovery Manager (LDRM)
The City of Sumas is looking for an experienced manager to serve as the lead point of contact for the coordination and management of long-term recovery efforts.
This is a one-year position with anticipated position extension.
Annual Salary: $77,364
Benefits: Medical/Dental/Vision, Retirement, Sick Leave, Paid Holidays, Vacation
Job Summary: The Local Disaster Recovery Manager (LDRM) reports to the Mayor of Sumas. The LDRM serves as the lead point of contact for coordination and management of long-term recovery efforts for the City of Sumas following the November 2021 flooding disaster (Major Disaster Declaration DR-4635). The LDRM is responsible to coordinate the community’s disaster recovery planning and implementation and coordinating with the municipality’s planning and emergency management departments.
For full job description and qualifications, please see the job description (LDRM Official Job Description).
To Apply: Please send resume and cover letter describing how your experience and qualifications make you a good fit to Kara Turner ( First consideration given to materials received by 9/28/22. Open until filled.
City of Sumas is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
9/15/2022 - Economic Recovery Trainings
Sign up for one or both disaster economic recovery trainings.
- Improving Business’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery – October 4th, 2022
- Improving Individual and Households’ Financial Literacy and Management to Support Post-Disaster Economic Recovery – October 12, 2022
Who: Public and private sectors in Whatcom County, the state of Washington, and FEMA Region X.
- Complete the pre-test prior to the training
- Attend the virtual session via Zoom
Cost: Free
See Flyers for more information.
Council Meeting
Monday September 12, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please connect no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Sumas City Council Meeting – 7pm
Meeting ID: 226 360 464 388
Passcode: ftDhou
Phone Conference ID: 130 937 926#
9/1/2022 - Long-Term Disaster Cascade Recovery: Re-connecting and Supporting Behavioral Health
Dr. Kira Mauseth, who serves as a co-lead for the Behavioral Health Strike Team for the WA State Deparmtnet of Health, will be presenting on September 12, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Sumas Council Chambers. This presentation will be live streamed on Facebook.
9/1/2022 - Notice of Application and Public Hearing
- Proposal: Vander Meulen Floodplain Development Permit Variance. Proposed construction of a 2-story accessory structure with the lowest floor located below the FEMA base flood elevation.
- Location: 515 Mitchell Street
- Public Hearing: September 12, 2022, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
7/28/2022 - The Mobile Community Services Office is Coming!
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2022
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Place: Nooksack Valley Food Bank
100 E 2nd St
Everson, WA 98247
8/22/2022 - Council Meeting
Monday August 22nd, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please connect no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Sumas City Council Meeting – 7pm
Meeting ID: 274 097 986 509
Passcode: vdjCcv
Phone Conference ID: 262 866 598#
8/22/2022 - City Hall
There will be a brief internet and phone outage at City Hall this morning. If you need to call City Hall during this outage please call 360-988-1862
8/8/2022 - Council Meeting
Monday August 8th, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please connect no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Sumas City Council Meeting – 7pm
Meeting ID: 268 001 375 925
Passcode: 7sdBnL
Phone Conference ID: 621 431 569#
7/22/2022 - Council Meeting
Monday July 25, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please connect no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Meeting ID: 237 758 233 366
Passcode: JPRjKA
Phone Conference ID: 187 822 27#
7/11/2022 - Council Meeting
Monday July 11, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please call in no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Dial in number 1-509-703-4197
Conference ID: 515 985 227#
6/13/2022 - Call for Bids:
Lawson Street & Mitchell Street Overlay Project
Sealed bids will be received at Sumas City Hall until 2:00 PM on June 29, 2022. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud shortly after that time at 433 Cherry Street, Sumas, WA 98295.
Non-mandatory pre-bid Conference is scheduled for June 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM at Sumas Elementary School, 1024 Lawson Street, Sumas, WA 98295.
Contract documents may be obtained from the office of the Project Engineer, Freeland and Associates, Inc, 220 West Champion Street, Suite 200, Bellingham, WA 98225 by emailing See full announcement published in the Lynden Tribune, June 8th & 15th 2022.
6/28/2022 - Independence Day/ 4th of July - Fireworks
The City of Sumas has adopted the State Fireworks Law (RCW 70.77.395). See the table below for allowable discharge dates and times.
Date | Discharge Period |
June 28 | 12 p.m. to 11 p.m. |
June 29 to July 3 | 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. |
July 4 | 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. (midnight) |
July 5 | 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. |
6/24/2022 - Council Meeting
Monday June 27, 2022 at 7:oo PM
Citizen written input for the meeting will need to be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the day of the meeting via email to
If you are planning on joining the meeting please call in no later than 6:55pm and mute your microphone until opportunity to comment is given.
Dial in number 1-509-703-4197
Conference ID: 180 798 580#
6/10/2022 - Council Meeting
5/24/2022 - City Council Vacancy:
Requirements to qualify:
Must be a resident of Sumas for at least one year and be registered to vote in our jurisdiction.
Statements can be emailed to or mailed to PO Box 9, Sumas, WA 98295, or dropped in person at 433 Cherry Street (temporary office in lot to the north).
5/9/2022 - Sumas Days
5/17/2022 - Attention Seniors:
5/3/2022- Utility Budget Program
4/29/2022- Good News!
4/28/2022- A Note from the Mayor
The best to you,
Bruce Bosch
4/21/22 - Whatcom County Businesses Impacted by November Floods can Now Apply for Grant Assistance
Qualified Businesses can Apply at the Link Posted Below:
Last Clean Up Day for Sumas!
April 23rd 9-4pm
April 23rd is the FINAL flood debris cleanup day for Sumas residents. Click on the link above if you would like volunteers to help you OR if you are a volunteer looking to help the residents of Sumas!
In the effort to FINISH Sumas cleanup, we are seeking volunteers to help residents of Sumas and create a list of those who need help!
We will meet at approximately 9AM at the corner of Cherry and Front St as our start point.
Please bring gloves, boots, shovels, safety vest etc.
We will be helping to clean out homes/yard debris as well as some of the surrounding areas with leftover flood debris (for example, along the stretch of Hwy 9 between city limits and Hovel Rd. where trash has accumulated.)
4/11/22 - Whatcom Long Term Recovery Group: Press Release
(Press Release: Click to View)Spring Cleaning Day – April 2, 2022
3/10/2022 - Residents Who Received Initial Rental Assistance From FEMA May Be Eligible For Continued Temporary Rental Assistance.
Continued Rental Assistance (click to view)3/16/2022 - Washington Recovery Update
FEMA News Release (click to view)3/25/2022 - Federal Assistance for Flooding Survivors Tops $11 Million
FEMA News Release (click to view)Disposing of Flood Debris
Dear Property Owners: Attached is a link to City Code SMC 8.32 for disposing of flood debris. Please ensure you and your contractor are following this code as appropriate.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this issue.
3/15/2022 - FEMA Individual Assistance Application Deadline Has Passed, but Help is Still Available
FEMA News Release (click to view)3/2/2022- Washington Flood Recovery Update
FEMA News Release (click to view)3/2/2022- SBA Deadline: March 7, 2022
3/1/2022 - Free Legal Assistance Available for Washington Survivors of Flooding and Mudslides
Joint Press Release (click to view)2/28/2022- FEMA Awards Won't Affect Other Benefits
FEMA News Release (click to view)2/24/2022- March 7 is the Deadline to Apply for Federal Assistance
FEMA News Release (click to view)Whatcom County Sheriff's Office News Release: Flood Recovery Deadline
2/22/2022- Group Flood Insurance: How it Works
seguro colectivo contra inundaciones: cómo funciona
2/18/2022- Spend Your FEMA Money Wisely
FEMA News Release (click to view)2/17/2022- Washington Flood Recovery Update
FEMA News Release (click to view)Flood Insurance is a Valuable Resource in Washington
FEMA News Release (click to view)IRS & Tax Relief Information
IRS Declared a Federal Disaster: What Now?
In November of 2021 a significant number of individuals and businesses in Whatcom County suffered through damage caused by severe flooding, which was later declared a Federal Disaster on January 6, 2022. Many will have substantial losses of their personal property, for which they will not receive an insurance settlement or other form of relief. Learn more about the IRS benefits now available due to this disaster declaration.
The City of Sumas has partnered with the Washington Business Licensing Service to provide one-stop online business licensing beginning Feb 10, 2022
2 Ways to Apply or Renew:
- To Apply Online-
- To Apply by Mail- Sumas Business License DOR – Feb 2022
Have questions? Call 360-705-6741 or visit
2/10/2022 - Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Today, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) was activated to help workers impacted by the floods last November. This includes individuals in Clallam, Skagit and Whatcom counties, as well as tribal lands held by the federally recognized Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian Tribe and Quileute Tribe.
DUA provides financial assistance to people who don’t qualify for regular unemployment insurance, but who lost or experienced interruptions in employment or self-employment as a direct result of the flooding.
Customers can visit ESD’s DUA webpage to review the eligibility requirements and application process, and to download and submit the DUA application.
We also have a new DUA phone line at 855-952-9988, where customers can speak with staff who can help them apply for DUA, file weekly DUA claims and answer questions.
Staff in WorkSource offices in Bellingham, Sequim and Silverdale are ready to help, too. Customers can get help applying for regular unemployment benefits and can make free use of printers, fax machines and computers to submit their applications.
2/10/2022 - Whatcom Disaster Recovery Center Adjust Hours
FEMA News Release (click to view)2/8/2022 - FEMA: Making a Home More Durable
FEMA News Release (click to view)2/4/2022 - FEMA Expands Washington Disaster Incident Period
FEMA News Release (click to view)1/28/2022 - FEMA Needs Your Current Contact Information
FEMA News Release (click to view)1/24/2022 - City of Sumas Business Licenses
The City of Sumas will only accept business license application until 5:00pm on January 27th, 2022. Anything received (in mail, office or email) AFTER 5:00pm on the 27th, will be instructed to wait until February 10th, and then apply through the State BLS portal. If you want to avoid the new fees, you MUST get your application in prior to the cut off on the January 27, 2022.
1/26/2022 - Flood Recovery Continues
1/24/2022 - FEMA: It's Important to Apply for an SBA Disaster Loan
News Release (click to view)1/24/2022 - Disaster Recovery Center to Open in Sumas
Disaster Recovery Center to Open in Sumas (click to access link)1/20/2022 - FEMA Advisory: Washington Flood Recovery Update
1/24/2022 - FEMA Home Inspections
1/18/2022 - FEMA Expands Options for Homeowners
1/18/2022 - FEMA Assistance Available to Washington Renters
1/14/2022 - Verify your Contractors and/or Tradesperson
1/7/2022 - Declared a Federal Disaster Area
Flood Memo:
Resource for Businesses affected by the flood.
Building Permits for Flood Damages
Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA)
FEMA - NFIP Resources
City Hall - Temp Office
Dump Site Closing Today
Flood Response Community Meeting
If you are interested in attending this meeting we encourage you to do so virtually by listening on KGMI (frequency AM 790), or watching the live stream of the meeting.
If you have questions that you would like addressed at the Community Meeting, or need more information, please use the link above to access the Whatcom County Flood Response web page.
Emergency Flood Update
Public Notice - 2022 Preliminary Budget Hearing & 2022 Property Tax Levy Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing
Construction of the Sumas Ave and Kneuman Rd Overlay Projects - Invitation to Bid
Working Washington Grants: Border Business Relief Program
Proposed Amendment to Chapter 14.30 Flood Damage Prevention
City of Sumas - Small Business Grant Notice
Applications are due and must be received at Sumas City Hall by 11:59 pm on September 15, 2021. Please use the link to access the official announcement and application.
Notice of Land for Lease
Bid must be received at Sumas City Hall on or before 4:00 pm on September 24, 2021. The minimum bid price is $75 per year.
Notice of Application, Public Hearing and Probable SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance - Continued to 9/27/2021
Comment Period: Aug 18th – Sept 2nd
Public Hearing: Sept 13th at 7pm
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice of Application and Public Hearing
Comment Period: August 4 through August 19, 2021.
Public Hearing: August 23rd, 2021 beginning at 7 PM
Construction of New Grandstand & Restroom Facility - Invitation to Bid
Sumas Event Center & Grandstand Improvement Project
Sumas Development, LLC - General Binding Site Plan
6-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2022-2027
Food Bank is opening!
Official Parade Route
Residential Electric Budget Plan
Notice of Public Comment Period and Public Hearing
Update: Phones are working.
The Spray Park is open!
Road Closure
Council Meeting
Council Meeting
Notice of Public Hearing
Comment Period: February 17 through March 4 2021
Public Hearing: March 8, 2021 at 7pm
Council Meeting
Phone Lines are down - Update: Phones are back up and running.
Council Meeting
New Online Portal
Shoreline Management Master Program
An early step in the Periodic Review process is to establish the initial scope of the Review. The initial Scoping Notice can be accessed here. Interested parties should submit comments, concerns and/or suggested issues to be addressed through the Review by January 15, 2021. Input may be submitted in writing to Sumas City Hall or by e-mail to The results of the Scoping process will be presented to the City Council at the council meeting to be held on January 25, 2021. Contact Sumas City Hall at (360) 988-5711 to receive information regarding remote access to the city council meeting.
Notice Of Land For Lease
The City of Sumas has approximately three – and one-half acres of land available to lease for purposes of growing agricultural crops. The lease would be for an approximate ten-year lease period beginning January 1, 2021 and terminating December 31, 2030, covering 10 growing seasons. The land is located on the south side of Harrison Street in the City of Sumas. The land is currently field/ pastureland.
Bids must be received at Sumas City Hall on or before 4:00 pm on January 08, 2021. The minimum bid price is $50 per year.
Christmas Tree Pickup
Phone Lines
Teal Jones Expansion
Starting on Friday from 10AM-2PM, traffic on Bob Mitchell will be rerouted through SR-9 and West Front Street as RCI construction will be trenching across Bob Mitchell Rd to complete the water stub out for the expansion project they are working on. We will need to isolate the water lines which will leave Mountain View Reload and Teal Jones without water. The businesses have been notified of the outage situation.
The City of Sumas hereby gives notice of a pending application for a short subdivision. The applicants are JE Leppala Construction and John Anker, who propose to subdivide an approximately 1.28-acre property located at the east end of Third Street (to the east of the Dow Street right-of-way) within Sumas WA to create two residential lots. The property is identified under County Assessor’s tax parcel number 410435 144194.The public comment period for this application is from May 8 through May 23, 2019. Written comments may be submitted during that period to Sumas City Hall at the address shown below.
The complete application is available for review at Sumas City Hall during normal business hours.
Sumas City Hall
433 Cherry Street
PO Box 9
Sumas, WA 98295
Maple Creek Estates SP1 Map